Lectionary - Epiphany 1: The Baptism of Jesus - Year A
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Isaiah 42:1-9 Here is my servant
Psalm 29 Ascribe to the Lord, ...glory and strength
Acts 10:34-43 Everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness
Matthew 3:13-17 The baptism of Jesus
Suggested Hymns (From Denis Towner. TIS = Together in Song; AHB = Australian Hymn Book; SA = Sing Alleluia)
lesson | Hymns for Epiphany +1, Yr.A | TIS | AHB | SA |
E | A man there lived in Galilee | 235 | 176 | |
O | All hail the power of Jesus' name | 224 | 159 | |
O | Almighty God lift up our eyes | 549 | ||
E | Awake, awake, fling off the night | 412 | ||
O | Be thou my vision | 547 | 455 | |
G | Christ when for us you were baptized | 250 | 20 | |
G | Crown him with many crowns | 228 | 163 | |
O/G | Fairest lord Jesus | 203 | 131 | |
E | Fold to your heart your sister and your brother | 587 | [503] | |
E/hc | I come with joy to meet my Lord | 533 | 452 | |
O | I sing the almighty power of God | 119 | 40 | |
Ps | I'll praise my Maker while I've breath | 80 | 44 | |
O | Jesus shall reign where'er the sun | 207 | 136 | |
G | Like the murmur of the dove's song | 419 | ||
O | My heart and voice I raise | 225 | 160 | |
G | Never in all human story | 320 | ||
lit | Now is eternal life | 385 | 305 | |
E/hc | Now let us from this table rise | 530 | 450 | |
G | O let the Son of God enfold you | 655 | ||
G | O Lord Jesus, Marrkapmirr | 253 | 70 | |
G | O love how deep, how broad, how high | 194 | 6 | |
G | On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry | 270 | 199 | |
E | The church's one foundation | 457 | 385 | |
Ps | The Lord will bless his people with peace | 17 | ||
O | The people that in darkness walked | 274 | 202 | |
E | The voice of God goes out to all the world | 282 | 86 | |
G | To the name of our salvation | 127 | ||
E | We have a gospel to proclaim | 245 | 189 | |
O | With joy we meditate the grace | 206 | 134 | |
Ps | Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness | 454 | 382 | |
Ps | You are holy, you are whole | 753 |
Other Possible Hymns
(Numbers refer to The Australian Hymn Book and Sing Alleluia. TIS = Together in Song)
SA 28 Do not be afraid, I am with you
111 Sing, all creation, sing to God in gladness
203 Hail to the Lord's anointed [Ps 72]
221 The first nowell
239 As with gladness men of old
391 In Christ there is no east or west
435 Be known to us in breaking bread
Sermon summary (Click here for complete sermon)
To share the cleansing fire
What can be the relevance of the Baptism of Jesus for our lives today? What happened to Jesus at the River Jordan is directly linked with social justice.
The link with the past
When Jesus was baptised in the river by John the Spirit of God came upon him [Matthew 3:16] as the Spirit had been
expected to come upon the Messiah [Isaiah 11:2] and the gift of the spirit brought a very strong concern with social justice:
I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. [Isaiah 42:1] In gentleness and quiet strength he
would be a light to the nations. [Isaiah 42:3-7]
The inclusion of foreigners
Through the gift of the Holy Spirit barriers between people of different nations were broken down. [Acts 2 and 10;
Ephesians 3:5-6.] It was on all mankind that the Spirit would be poured out [Joel 2:28-29]. There is nothing more relevant
to a shrinking world than membership in the one human family.
[The representative of sinful humanity
By taking a sign of repentance when he had no personal sin of which to repent Jesus was identifying himself with humanity
in general. It was sign of how he would die. [2 Corinthians 5:21]]
[Fire and water: cleansing agents
When new converts were baptised with water they were washed clean. Christian baptism is a means of sharing the fire which
transforms human lives. [See Acts 18:24 - 19:7 for the importance of the Spirit, the fire with which John said Jesus would
baptize; Matthew 3:11.]]
[The renewal of life
His Baptism was for Jesus a moment of enlightenment, a surge of certainty and self understanding as one anointed by the
Spirit of God [Matthew 3:16-17; Luke 4:16-20.] which like a cleaning fire, would burn up the rubbish of human life and
transform it with the fruit of the Spirit. [Galatians 5:19-23]. ]
Order of Service - Epiphany 1: the Baptism of Jesus - Year A
The Gathering of the People of God
When Jesus had been baptized, ... the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and
alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased."
-- Matthew 3:16-17
Lord God let your Holy Spirit come on us who worship you in his name.
HYMN 239 As with gladness men of old
CONFESSION [In three parts, concluding ...]
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy. Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. -- 1 Timothy 1:15
Hear then Christ's word of grace to us: Your sins are forgiven.
Thanks be to God.
DOXOLOGY: Gloria in Excelsis [Back of Hymn Book]
Service of the Word
INTRODUCTION OF THEME: God has no favourites
A word to the children.
FIRST READING Isaiah 42:1-9 Here is my servant
[PSALM 29 Ascribe to the Lord, ...glory and strength]
EPISTLE Acts 10:34-43 Everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness
GOSPEL Matthew 3:13-17 The baptism of Jesus
HYMN SA 20 Christ, when for us you were baptised
NICENE CREED [Back of Hymn Book]
SHARING TIME [Notices, Celebrations and requests for intercessions]
Father, we pray for the holy catholic Church;
that we all may be one.
Grant that every member of the church
may truly and humbly serve you;
that your name may be glorified by all people.
We pray for all ministers of the gospel;
that they may faithfully proclaim your Word
and administer your holy sacraments.
We pray for all who govern and hold authority
in the nations of the world;
that there may be justice and peace on the earth.
Give us grace to do your will in all that we undertake;
that our works may find favour in your sight.
Have compassion on those who suffer
from any grief or trouble;
that they may be delivered from their distress
We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
may we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.
Let us pray for our community
for the life and worship of this congregation
and for those whose needs are known to us.....
Let us pray for ourselves.....
When Jesus was baptised, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove; and there was a
voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son. -- Matthew 3:16, 17
Almighty, eternal God, when the Spirit descended upon Jesus at his baptism in the Jordan, you revealed him as your own beloved Son. Keep us, your children born of water and the Spirit, faithful to our calling. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.
The Lord's Supper
HYMN 435 Be known to us in breaking bread
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Thanks and praise ..... in the eternal hymn: [SA 100c and 100d]
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,
heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
We thank you ....
[The great prayer of thanksgiving continues, recalling God's goodness in caring for his people, the life and saving work of our Lord Jesus Christ, how he
commanded his disciples to remember him with the bread and the wine, and we pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit on us and what we do.]
THE LORD'S PRAYER [Front of hymn book]
Jesus, Lamb of God,
have mercy on us.
Jesus, bearer of our sins,
have mercy on us.
Jesus, redeemer of the world,
grant us peace.
The Sending Forth of the People of God
HYMN 160 My heart and voice I raise
DISMISSAL Go in peace to love and serve the Lord:
In the name of Christ. Amen.
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