Lectionary - Ordinary 13 Year A
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Genesis 22:1-14 Abraham saved from sacrificing his son
Psalm 13 How long, O Lord? Will you forget me for ever?
Romans 6:12-23 Two kinds of slavery: to sin or righteousness
Matthew 10:40-42 Whoever welcomes you welcomes me
Suggested Hymns (From Denis Towner. TIS = Together in Song; AHB = Australian Hymn Book; SA = Sing Alleluia)
A Yr. | A: Hymns for Sunday 13, Yr.A | TIS | AHB | SA |
A lamp for our feet has been given | 341 | |||
G | All go to God when they are sorely placed | 340 | [182] | |
O | All my hope on God is founded | 560 | 465 | |
G | All praise to thee for thou, O King divine | 180 | ||
All the earth proclaim the Lord | 60 | 100 | ||
E | Amazing grace, how sweet the sound | 129 | 56 | |
E | And now, O Father, mindful of the love | 519 | 440 | |
G | At the name of Jesus | 231 | 170 | |
Ps | Be still my soul, the Lord is on your side | 123 | 48 | |
G | Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart | 547 | 455 | |
O | Beyond the mist and doubt | 13 | ||
O | Bread of the world in mercy broken | 512 | 437 | |
E | Breathe on me, breath of God | 407 | 320 | |
G | Brother sister, let me serve you | 650 | 14 | |
G | Brother you on your heart did bear | 538 | ||
O/Ps | By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered | 617 | 15 | |
Christ is made the sure foundation | 432 | 343 | ||
Come Spirit blest, our hearts inspire | 425 | [331] | ||
Comfort, comfort all my people | 647 | 25 | ||
From thee all skill and science flow | 518 | |||
O/G | Give me the faith which can remove | 479 | ||
God be in my head | 549 | 456 | ||
God has spoken by his prophets | 158 | 92 | ||
God has spoken to his people, hallelujah | 636 | 39 | ||
O | God moves in a mysterious way | 126 | 54 | |
E | Hail our once despised Jesus | 373 | [295] | |
Help us O Lord, to learn | 428 | 340 | ||
I heard the voice of Jesus say | 585 | 500 | ||
Ps | If we will trust in God to guide us | 554 | [459] | |
E | In the cross of Christ I glory | 349 | 265 | |
O | It is a thing most wonderful | 171 | ||
E/G | Jesu Jesu, fill us with your love | 640 | 561 | |
Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult | 589 | 505 | ||
G | Jesus my Lord, how rich thy grace | 475 | ||
Jesus your boundless love to me | 462 | |||
Joyful joyful, we adore you | 152 | |||
E/G | Kneels at the feet of his friends | 640 | 561 | |
E | Let him to whom we now belong | 563 | 146 | |
Lift high the cross | 351 | 271 | ||
E | Make me a captive, Lord | 604 | 528 | |
My Saviour! How shall I proclaim | 460 | |||
E | O for a heart to praise my God | 568 | 476 | |
O God of truth whose living word | 507 | |||
E | O Jesus I have promised | 595 | 514 | |
O Lord and Master of us all | 517 | |||
O Master let me walk thee | 601 | 522 | ||
O thou who camest from above | 572 | 486 | ||
Sing praise and thanksgiving | 107 | 25 | ||
Ps | Sing praise to God who reigns above | 110 | 27 | |
Son of God eternal Saviour | 606 | 529 | ||
O | Surely the presence of the Lord | |||
E | Take my life and let it be | 599 | 520 | |
Ps | The church's one foundation | 457 | 385 | |
G | The day of resurrection | 361 | 277 | |
O | The God of Abraham praise | 125 | 53 | |
E | The great love of God is revealed in the Son | 164 | 105 | |
The kingdom is upon you | 81 | |||
G | There's a spirit in the air | 414 | ||
They that believe and are baptized | 479 | [405] | ||
Ps | We are marching in the light of God | 666 | ||
We know that Christ is raised | 489 | |||
We limit not the truth of God | 453 | 335 | ||
O | What God ordains is always good | 109 | ||
G | When I needed a neighbour were you there | 629 | 558 | |
Ps | When we walk with the Lord | 531 | ||
G | Where cross the crowded ways of life | 608 | 532 | |
G | Where there is charity and love | 434 | 591 | |
You holy angels bright | 108 | [26] | ||
E/G | You servants of God, your Master proclaim | 215 | [144] |
Sermon summary (click here for complete sermon)
Faithfulness to the Word of God
The story of Abraham making ready to sacrifice his son Isaac [Genesis 22:1-14] must be one of the strangest and most difficult things for us to understand. The whole idea of sacrificing living things to God is abhorrent to modern ways of thinking, let alone human sacrifice; and the sacrifice of one's own children must be the most abhorrent of all. Is that really what God asked of him? It does appear to have been a real test of his faith [Hebrews 11:17-19; Genesis 22:17].
Biblical authority
It raises important questions about how we should interpret the Bible. First, we do accept the Bible as a real authority. The
Bible cannot be the criterion of truth about God if we will only accept from it what passes some other test, such as current
opinion. The second principle is very important; indeed it supersedes the first: Christ himself is the Word of God -- the Word
that became flesh [John 1:1-14]. There is another principle of importance: the truth does not come to us out of the blue, as it
were, as individuals, even when we read the Bible carefully and in faith. We grow in understanding by studying the scriptures
within the fellowship of believers. We should be prepared to learn from the best available teachers, taking account of the best
biblical scholarship.
How did people learn not to make human sacrifices?
We know that the people amongst whom Abraham and his descendants settled practised a religion in which there was human
sacrifice, and that it included especially the sacrifice of their own children. The prophets spoke against it [Micah 6:7-8;
Jeremiah 32:35] and reforming kings tried to suppress it [2 Kings 23:10]. It was present in the area around Jerusalem
because of earlier unfaithfulness [1 Kings 11:1-2,7]. According to tradition that is Abraham's place [see Genesis 22:2 and 2
Chronicles 3:1]. Had Abraham been any more influenced by the people around him, he would have sacrificed his son, but he
was willing to trust God [Genesis 22:8 cf Hebrews 11:17-19]. We are not called to take Abraham as an example in what he
was prepared to do, but as one who was prepared to trust God. By reference to Christ (who was obedient to the point of
sacrifice) we appreciate his radical faithfulness.
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Order of Service - Ordinary 13 (Pentecost 5) Year A
The Gathering of the People of God
O LORD my God! Give light to my eyes,
I trusted in your steadfast love;
my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.
I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me.
-- Psalms 13:3a,5-6
HYMN 26 Ye holy angels bright
Mighty and merciful God, we meet to celebrate your greatness.
We join with the hosts of heaven to sing your praise and to offer you worship.
For you are worthy of adoration from every mouth,
and every tongue should praise you.
You created the earth by your power; you save the human race by your mercy; and make it new by your grace.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we offer you our grateful praise.
For our slowness to recognize your gifts in other people and their calling to be children of God: Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
For our reluctance to accept your free gifts and your gracious call to play our part in your ministry: Christ, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
For any cause of division in your body for which we are responsible: Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
The good news is that all who trust in Christ will have their sins forgiven and receive eternal life. As you hold this faith, I
declare that you are set free from all your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, to whom be
glory for ever and ever.
Thanks be to God.
DOXOLOGY: 25 Sing praise and thanksgiving, let all creatures living [verse 1]
Service of the Word
INTRODUCTION OF THEME: Faithfulness to the Word of God
OLD TESTAMENT Genesis 22:1-14 Abraham saved from sacrificing his son
Choir: God be in my head [Hymn 456]
PSALM 13 How long, O Lord? Will you forget me for ever?
EPISTLE Romans 6:12-23 Two kinds of slavery: to sin or righteousness
GOSPEL Matthew 10:40-42 Whoever welcomes you welcomes me
HYMN 340 Help us, O Lord, to learn
HYMN SA 39 God has spoken to his people
SHARING TIME [Notices, celebrations, requests for intercessions]
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up you hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Almighty God,
we your unworthy servants give you humble thanks
for all your goodness and loving-kindness
to us and to all whom you have made.
We bless you for our creation, preservation,
and all the blessings of this life;
but above all for your immeasurable love
in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ;
for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory.
And, we pray, give us such an awareness of your mercies,
that with truly thankful hearts
we may show forth your praise,
not only with our lips, but in our lives,
by giving up ourselves to your service,
and by walking before you
in holiness and righteousness all our days;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
to whom with you and the Holy Spirit
be honour and glory throughout all ages.
Choir: Tell my people I love them
THE LORD'S PRAYER [Front of the Hymn Book]
The Sending Forth of the People of God
HYMN 517 O Lord and Master of us all
God has told you what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk
humbly with your God? -- Micah 6:8
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord:
In the name of Christ. Amen.
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