Lectionary - Ordinary 30 Year C

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Joel 2:23-32 I will pour out my spirit on all flesh
Psalm 65 You crown the year with your bounty
2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18 My life is already being poured out on the alter
Luke 18:9-14  The Pharisee and the tax-collector

Suggested Hymns (From Denis Towner. TIS = Together in Song; AHB = Australian Hymn Book; SA = Sing Alleluia)
lesson Hymns for Sunday 30, Yr.C TIS AHB SA
E A mighty fortress is our God 103 [8[
E Abide with me, fast falls the eventide 586 502
G All creatures of our God and King 100 3
G All go to God when they are sorely placed 240 [182]
G All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine 180
G Amazing grace (how sweet the sound) 129 56
E/G And can it be that I should gain 209 138
G Be thou my vision 547 455
O/G Breathe on me, breath of God 407 320
E Christ the Lord is risen today 370 290
Ps Come children, join to sing 162
G Come down, O Love divine 398 310
O Come Holy Spirit, our souls inspire 396 308
G Father of heaven, whose love profound 131 60
O Fear not, rejoice and be glad 36
E Fight the good fight with all thy might 594 511
E/G For all the saints 455 384
G Great is your faithfulness 154
E Guide me, O thou great Redeemer 569 478
Here in this place, new light is streaming 474
G How can a sinner know 482
E How firm a foundation, you people of God 578 491
Ps How lovely is your dwelling place 44 347
G I will sing the wondrous story 233 173
G Jesus lover of my soul 211 139
G Jesus priceless treasure 463
G Just as I am without one plea 584 497
G King of glory, King of peace 201 129
G Lord Jesus think on me 546 122
E March on, my soul, with strength 533
O O Breath of life, come sweeping through us 409 322
G O day of God, draw near 616 547
O O for a heart to praise my God 568 476
O God of Bethel, by whose hand 564 49
E O Love that wilt not let me go 602 525
O O Spirit of the living God 405 318
G O thou who camest from above 572 486
G One who is all unfit to count 174
G Praise my soul, the King of heaven 134 68
Ps Praise waits for you in Zion, Lord 35
G Rock of Ages, cleft for me 222 157
Ps Sing praise to God who reigns above 110 27
E Stand up, stand up for Jesus 592 509
G Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord 161 109
G There's a wideness in God's mercy 136 [72]
G To the name of our salvation 127
O Veni, sancte Spiritus 752
We sing the praise of him who died 347 262
E/G What a friend we have in Jesus 590 165
E What shall I do my God to love 122 50
E Who would true valour see 561 467
G Your coming Lord, to earth in Bethlehem 285 98
Yours be the glory, risen, conquering Son 380 [303]

Other Possible Hymns
(Numbers refer to The Australian Hymn Book and Sing Alleluia. TIS = Together in Song)
30 (TIS 112) Through all the changing scenes of life
44 (TIS 90) I'll praise my maker while I've breath
47 (TIS 121) God himself is present
72 (TIS 136) Souls of men, why do you scatter [..from a love so true and deep]
531 When we walk with the Lord/ in the light of his word
537 (TIS 609) May the mind of Christ my Saviour

Sermon summary (Click here for complete sermon)

The self-justifying trap

The Pharisee thanked God he was not like the other man; the tax collected prayed, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner!' (Luke 18:11-13). Where are you in this little scene? Do you stand with one of them? We know that we have much in common with the tax collector. Yet there is a problem for us in that. The parable was not addressed to people who were conscious of their unworthiness before God. (Luke 18:9).

We know that Jesus made friends with 'tax collectors and sinners'.. If you identify easily with the tax collector, beware, you may be in mortal danger. Did you can catch yourself as you began to think, "Thank God, I am not like that self righteous hypocritical Pharisee"? It is a subtle trap that is both personal and political.

The political trap is subtle and powerful for people with a strong sense of social justice who identify easily with the poor and those who are despised. Jesus challenged an exclusive attitude on many occasions (for example: Luke 17:16; Matthew 8:10; Luke 7:9; Mark 7:26-29). The political trap is that we can make a virtue out of taking the side of the outsiders, especially when we do so in condemnation of others.

The tax collector in the story did not condemn the Pharisee. He seems not even to have been aware of him.

Both of them represent aspects of devotion to God that were well known amongst the Jews (Psalms 26:1; Psalms 26:4-6; Psalms 51:1-4). Jesus even said that people should listen to what the Pharisees and the scribes taught (Matthew 23:1). He came back to what was in their hearts (Matthew 15:7-8; Luke 16:13-15), as in Proverbs 21:2 and 28:13. So the emphasis is on praying in secret (Matthew 6:5-6; 23:27-28). There are many different ways in which we can fall into the trap of self-righteousness. They all involve us in deception about what is in our hearts.

You can be free even of the self-justifying trap through faith in God, for then you do not need to see yourself as being on the right side or as having the best of motives.

Order of Service - Pentecost 23 (Ordinary 30) Year C The Gathering of the People of God

CALL TO WORSHIP Hear the call of God to the People of God:
O children of Zion, be glad and rejoice in the LORD your God;
You shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I, the LORD, am your God and there is no other.
And my people shall never again be put to shame.
Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. (Joel 2:1,27-28)

HYMN God himself is present AB 47 TIS 121

Loving God, Lord of the Church, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed: we have not loved you with all our heart or served you with all our strength; we have been blind to the vision of a renewed world and deaf to your call to costly discipleship; we have been indifferent to the suffering of others and unwilling to forgive one another. In your mercy, Lord, pardon and restore us, that together in the ministry of Christ we may serve you with joy all the days of our life. Amen.

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, {39} nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)
Hear then Christ's word of grace, 'Your sins are forgiven'
Thanks be to God

Praise is due to you, O God
Happy are those whom you choose and bring near to live in your courts.
We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house, your holy temple.
By awesome deeds you answer us with deliverance, O God of our salvation;
you are the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas. (Psalms 65:1,4,5)

The peace of the Lord be always with you.And also with you.

Service of the Word

INTRODUCTION OF THEME: Self-righteousness and the goodness of God.
OLD TESTAMENT Joel 2:23-32 I will pour out my spirit on all flesh
PSALM 65 You crown the year with your bounty
EPISTLE 2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18 My life is already being poured out on the alter
GOSPEL Luke 18:9-14 The pharisee and the tax collector

HYMN May the mind of Christ my Saviour TIS 609 AHB 537

HYMN One who is all unfit to count AHB174

SHARING TIME [Notices, celebrations, requests for intercessions]
Father, we pray for the holy catholic Church;
that we all may be one.
Grant that every member of the church
may truly and humbly serve you;
that your name may be glorified by all people.
We pray for all ministers of the gospel;
that they may faithfully proclaim your Word
and administer your holy sacraments.
We pray for all who govern and hold authority
in the nations of the world;
that there may be justice and peace on the earth.
Give us grace to do your will in all that we undertake;
that our works may find favour in your sight.
Have compassion on those who suffer
from any grief or trouble;
that they may be delivered from their distress
We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
may we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.
Let us pray for our community
for the life and worship of this congregation
and for those whose needs are known to us.....
Let us pray for ourselves.....

Lord God of justice, you know no favourites and show no partiality; but you have given us assurance that the prayers of the lowly pierce the clouds, their petitions reach the heavens. Look upon us who come before you as did the penitent tax collector, and grant that we may open ourselves with confidence in your mercy, and be justified by your grace. We ask this through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


The Sending Forth of the People of God

HYMN 531 When we walk with the Lord/ in the light of his word
DISMISSAL Go in peace to love and serve the Lord:
In the name of Christ. Amen.

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