Lectionary - Transfiguration (Last Sunday before Lent) Year C
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Readings for Transfiguration Sunday
Exodus 34:29-35 Why Moses wore a veil
Psalm 99 The Lord is King; let the people tremble
2 Cor 3:12 - 4:2 ...all of us ...seeing the glory of the Lord ...are being transformed
Luke 9:28-36 The transfiguration: glory on the mountain top
Centenary Thanksgiving:
Readings for an anniversary or for Christian pioneers
Isaiah 56:1,6-7 .. a house of prayer for all nations
Psalm 67 May God be gracious to us and bless us
Suggested Hymns (From Denis Towner. TIS = Together in Song; AHB = Australian Hymn Book; SA = Sing Alleluia)
Hymns for Transfiguration, Yr.C | ||||
lesson | hymn | TIS | AHB | SA |
Ps | All the ends of the have seen | 57 | 3 | |
G | At the name of Jesus | 231 | 170 | |
Ps | Be exalted O God, above the heavens | 58 | ||
G | Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart | 547 | 455 | |
E/G | Blessed Jesus at your word | 437 | 352 | |
G | Christ is the world's true light | 238 | 179 | |
G | Christ upon the mountain peak | 243 | 19 | |
E/G | Christ whose glory fills the skies | 212 | 140 | |
G | Here gracious Lord, we see you face to face | 516 | 438 | |
Here we adore you, hidden Saviour, Lord | 500 | 421 | ||
G | How good Lord, to be here | 234 | 390 | |
G | I come with joy to meet my Lord | 533 | 452 | |
G | O Christ the healer, we have come | 638 | ||
E/G | O Jesus I have promised | 595 | 514 | |
Ps | Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done… | 57 | 3 | |
G | Take up your cross, the Saviour said | 583 | 496 | |
Ps | The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble | 58 | ||
O/G | When morning gilds the skies | 227 | 151 |
Other Possible Hymns
(Numbers refer to The Australian Hymn Book and Sing Alleluia. TIS = Together in Song)
God gives
SA 14 (TIS 650) Brother, sister, let me serve you
10 (TIS 59) All people that in earth do dwell
14 (TIS 106) Now thank we all our God
46 (TIS 47) O God our help in ages past
147 (TIS 216) Rejoice, the Lord is King
Sermon summary (Click here for complete sermon)
[Note: this sermon was for a special occasion, see note on complete sermon.]
Hills and Valleys and People and God
Mountain top experiences can be times of excitement or times of quiet renewal. Jesus withdrew to the wilderness, desert or mountain: after his baptism when he was tempted [Matt 4:1ff; Mark 1:12ff; Luke 4:1ff]; when John the Baptist was killed [Matt 14:13; Mark 6:31-32; John 6:3; Luke 9:12] ... delayed by the 5000, then he went on [Matthew 14:23; John 6:15; Mark 6:46]. ..the sermon on the mount [Matthew 5-7]. He spent the night in prayer before he chose the twelve apostles [Luke 6:12; Mark 3:13]... or he simply went off to pray [Luke 4:42; Luke 5:15-16].
Why did Jesus go into the wilderness?
It is clear that the main purpose was to pray. See Matthew 6:6. But do mountains have a special place in the worship of
God? The ancient Israelites built shrines on mountain tops and that is why the woman at the well in Samaria spoke to Jesus
about it. [John 4:20-23]. He said worshipping God in spirit and in truth... the direct personal relationship with God .. is
important in the end; and knowing the true God who was known to the Jews.
The Transfiguration
It was an other worldly experience... a vision ...strange light ...a glory; bright shining light in the Bible when angels appear or
direct encounter with God...Paul on the road to Damascus. Shining light and shining faces: Moses had to wear a veil when
he came down from the mountain [Exodus 34:29-35]. People today report seeing a light in near death experiences. Paul saw
us as being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another -- 2 Corinthians 3:18, when we reflect his
glory which was revealed to the disciples.
We cannot stay on the mountain
We are called back into community life. That only makes sense if you have actually been to the mountain, especially if you
have been there with Jesus. In this sense the community needs the church, not just a social welfare agency. God is both near
and far, closer than breathing and higher than the highest mountains...And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and
we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father's only son, full of grace and truth. -- John 1:14
Order of Service - Transfiguration (Last Sunday before Lent) Year C | DB Home | RCL Resources Index |
[Note: this order was used for a special occasion and is left as is for history. It will not quite suit the normal Sunday for the
Transfiguration although the gospel of the day provided the main theme.]
The Gathering of the People of God
Let us worship God.
In the name of Christ. Amen.
Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you.
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth.
Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you.
The earth has yielded its increase;
God, our God, has blessed us.
May God continue to bless us;
let all the ends of the earth revere him. -- Psalm 67:3-7
HYMN Now thank we all our God TIS 106 AHB 14
Loving and merciful God we confess that we have done wrong against you and our neighbour.... [the prayer continues in three parts
concluding:]....Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
....Christ have mercy. Christ have mercy.
....Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us. -- Romans 5:8
Hear then Christ's word of grace to us:
Your sins are forgiven.
Thanks be to God.
DOXOLOGY Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.
Service of the Word
INTRODUCTION OF THEME: A word to the children. Song: God gives
OLD TESTAMENT Isaiah 56:1,6-7 .. a house of prayer for all nations
PSALM 67 May God be gracious to us and bless us
EPISTLE 2 Cor 3:12 - 4:2 ...all of us ...are being transformed
GOSPEL Luke 9:28-36 The transfiguration: glory on the mountain top
HYMN Rejoice, the Lord is King TIS 216 AHB 147
HYMN Brother, sister, let me serve you TIS 650 SA 14
OFFERING [Singing group: Panis angelicus]
SHARING TIME [Memories and Greetings]
HYMN All people that on earth do dwell [Psalm 100] TIS 59 AHB 10
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give him thanks and praise.
Accept, O God, our thanks and praise for all you have done for us in this community of Templestowe.
We thank you, Lord.
We thank you for the splendour of the whole creation, for the beauty of this world, and especially for the enjoyment of this
valley and its hills which you have given to generations of people who have lived and worked here.
We praise you for the beauty of creation.
We thank you for the wonder of life, for the mystery of love, for the blessing of family and friends and for the loving care
which surrounds us and the love with which you have blessed the families of previous generations in this community.
We thank you, God, for the blessings of home and family.
We thank you for tasks which demand our best efforts, for the challenge and rewards of work on the farms and orchards in
earlier times and in the industries and commerce of this community, for accomplishments which satisfy and delight us, and
even for the disappointments and failures that lead us to acknowledge our dependence on you alone.
Thank you, Lord, for the challenge and rewards of work.
Above all, we thank you for your son Jesus Christ, for the faithful witness to the gospel given by our forebears, and for the
fellowship of the church in which successive generations learned the truth of your word and shared the blessings of his death
and resurrection in the power of the Holy Spirit.
All praise and thanksgiving to you our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us pray (that we may be transfigured into the likeness of Christ):
Almighty Father, whose Son Jesus Christ was revealed in majesty before he suffered death upon the cross: give us grace to
perceive his glory, that we may be strengthened to suffer with him and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory: who
lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.
The Sending Forth of the People of God
HYMN 46 O God our help in ages past
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord:
In the name of Christ. Amen.
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